Wednesday, October 29, 2014

London part2?

Hi guys! Sorry again for the long time not writing to you guys. Let's get started!
The Piccadilly statue?
So on our second day in London we went shopping in Piccadilly area! Great fun! If you want to do some shopping, in Piccadilly finding shops won't be a problem even if you are blind. After running from shop to shop we were super hungry and decided to hit a tea house(?) I am not really sure if it can be called that but anyway... so we enjoyed our tea and headed to the next location.
Excuse my awful handwriting

Baker Street!!!! I, as a big fan of Sherlock Holmes, insisted that we would visit the Sherlock Holmes Museum. I wasn't disappointed at all. First when we arrived to the location we thought HELL NO!! Because of this

After talking about it we decided to stay in the line and wait. I don't know how many times I thought I would die really soon. Why? Because it was really hot and there wasn't much shadow where the line was. Clever me, I had thought in the morning that it would rain today so I had brought an umbrella with me. Actually it was really clever and I ended up carrying this lucky umbrella wherever we went no matter the weather. While we stood in the line I noticed the man and his son right before us and I remembered that these guys were the people who sat opposite of us in the tube on our way there. And the father soon noticed that as well and we ended up cracking up a conversation. We talked about how we both got lost on our way.

I will tell you this so that you don't have to walk around all over London to notice where you are. When you come out of the tube find out which exit are you taking. Because we didn't think about this we got lost. Well we found out that we weren't that lost afterward but I think we were lost enough. So we should have got out from west exit but we got out from south exit and well we all know what happens when you think you are somewhere you are not and you try to navigate from there. Not good! So think about where you exit, okay?

So when we got closer to the door this woman came over and asked people if they already had bought a tickets and we surely hadn't. Well I volunteered as a tribute to buy the tickets(if you know what I mean) actually I really wanted to get away from the hot sun. So I followed the instructions and found my way to the counter. But on my way to the counter I finally understood how different world was then. This shop, where you have to buy the tickets, was really nicely decorated with Sherlock Holmes- spirited stuff. I was in heaven. I couldn't wait to get to the museum.

If you have read them you know
Smoke and be happy
After waiting we finally got in. It was gorgeous. I really don't have words to describe the feeling. It just was awesome, beautiful and glorious at the same time.

After the museum we went to Madame Tussauds, that might sound weird, which is a wax museum. In Madame Tussauds you can take pictures with celebrities. Just kidding! But it really looks like them. The are these wax model that present celebrities. I sincerely recommend this place if you just find time while you are visiting London. The celebrities change once in a while so that means that the celebrities I saw might not be there when you go. Don't blame me, please.
Thank you for making it fun!
I just had to.
In Madame Tussauds there was this great 4D film- thingy. I don't really know what its called, sorry for my lack of knowledge. I don't want to ruin the surprise if you go so I won't tell anymore about that. But I can't say that my friend was really scared from time to time. I want to point out that Madame Tussauds if okay for children as well so mums and dads out there no worries, okay?

After Madame Tussauds we went for a walk in Regent's park or something like that. It was really close to Madame Tussauds. Actually the Sherlock Holmes Museum and Madame Tussauds and this park were all really close. Oh how could I forget something this important to all the Beatles fans. I didn't find the right place to put this so I will just put it right here. The Beatles shop is right next to the Sherlock Holmes museum. The Beatles shop is full of the Beatles stuff you can't get almost everything that has the Beatles boys on it from there. So you all the Beatles fans out there run for it. My Beatles fan friend was really tough opponent when I was trying to get her out of there. But with willpower everything is possible, right?
What can I say?
We enjoyed our laugh on the tube when getting back to the hotel and got some other people laughing as well because we were laughing. I think laughing is infectious. Watch out for it. During this long day many people came over and asked if we were Spanish. They said that we were loud enough and our language was like singing or that's what they said. I do agree that we are loud but like singing.... I don't think so. This day there were also many funny things that happened but I will spare them for the funny things in London- list. And I am sorry that the dates are on the pics but I think you can handle it.  See ya.

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