Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Close to us

The Republic of Finland or Finland (Swedish Republiken Finland, Finland) is a country in northern Europe on the Baltic Sea. Finland belongs to the Nordic countries and the European Union. It is bordered by Russia in the east and under the Republic of Karelia, north to Norway and Sweden in the west. In the south, the nearest land is south of the Gulf of Finland, Estonia.
The Kingdom of Sweden (in Swedish Konungariket Sverige) or Sweden (in Swedish Sverige) is a constitutional monarchy in Scandinavia in northern Europe. It is a common land border between Finland and Norway. Sweden is a Nordic industrial country and a member of the European Union, but does not belong to the European Monetary Union. The country has a surface area (450 295 square kilometers) of western Europe's third largest country and the largest of the Nordic countries. Sweden has about 9.5 million residents, so it is also populated from the Nordic countries by far the largest. The capital and largest city is Stockholm.
The Kingdom of Norway (Norge Kongeriket, Kongeriket Noreg) or Norway (Norge) is a constitutional monarchy in Northern Europe. The country belongs to the Nordic countries and Scandinavia. It is in the western and northern neighbor Finland, and it has a common border with Russia. Covering an area of population and the actual Norway (mainland lähisaarineen) is the third largest of the Nordic countries. Norway including Svalbard and other overseas territories. Fjords and mountains of Norway are the key elements of the landscape. The capital and largest city is Oslo.
The French Republic (la République Française), or France (la France) is a country in Western Europe. France covers an area of ​​643 801 square kilometers, and its population of about 65.4 million, while other will be included in the overseas territories. France, the European nuclear region is termed metropolitan France, located in the temperate zone, except in the southernmost region, where a Mediterranean climate. Europe France covers an area of ​​551 500 square kilometers, making it the third largest share of the kingdom, after Russia and Ukraine.
Germany (Deutschland), or Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) is about 82 million inhabitants of Western Europe's most populous state and one of the world's leading industrialized countries. German form of government is a federal republic, and it consists of the sixteen federal states (Bundesland). And at the same time, the capital's most populous city of nearly 3.5 million inhabitants, Berlin.
The Republic of Estonia (Eesti Vabariik) of Estonia (Eesti) The Republic is the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea in Northern Europe, the Gulf of Finland to the south. Estonia has land borders of the Russian Federation and Latvia. The country has a population of 1 318 005, of whom about 400 000 lives in the capital, Tallinn. Tallinn, the largest cities in the university town of Tartu (102 817 inhabitants), industrial cities of Narva (66 151 inhabitants) and Kohtla-Järve (44 821 inhabitants) and the so-called Estonian summer capital Pärnu (44 024 inhabitants).(I didn't find good photo from Estonia so forgive me that.)

Well these all countries are close to my homeland Finland. I would love to tell more, but my sweet lovely mother keeps nagging about how long ago I should have been in bed. I love her. See ya. Maybe I find my camera so I can show you the drawings, you know what I'm talking about. See ya, again.

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