Tuesday, January 28, 2014

In fashion

Hi! It is been long time since I wrote to you and I apologize. School has started again and the start is always full of speed and excitement. Now things have cooled down a little and I have some time for you. Not like you are the last in the to do-list but... anyway. What was I talking about? Oh right fashion!
I just put these together. Nice, isn't it?
I think that it is okay for all of us to have our own styles! We do not need to follow any fashion tips that someone, who has cash like trash, gives us to follow. As IF! Like if ALL of us would wear the exact clothes there wouldn't be anything that would make us different. Well we would part from each other by our faces and personalities but otherwise we would be the same. That would be boring. It is better to be.... your own color... How to say this? You are allowed to be different and you should be. Not like you really HAVE to be different but isn't a lot more fun to stick out of the crowd.
My style has always been and will always be a little bit different from others. I am like mix of every kind of style. That doesn't really sound so good, does it? As you know I am little tomboy. But I am my girlish sides are even with my boy-side. I am not fan of skirts, I am jeans user. But when we are celebrating something my girly side sticks out a lot. It's just that I am too lazy to put my make up on every day and every month. I think the make up loses its "beauty". The saying says the same thing:" A rare flower is more beautiful than regular flower."

This is my small request: Be yourself, please, pretty please. See ya.

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