Tuesday, January 28, 2014

In fashion

Hi! It is been long time since I wrote to you and I apologize. School has started again and the start is always full of speed and excitement. Now things have cooled down a little and I have some time for you. Not like you are the last in the to do-list but... anyway. What was I talking about? Oh right fashion!
I just put these together. Nice, isn't it?
I think that it is okay for all of us to have our own styles! We do not need to follow any fashion tips that someone, who has cash like trash, gives us to follow. As IF! Like if ALL of us would wear the exact clothes there wouldn't be anything that would make us different. Well we would part from each other by our faces and personalities but otherwise we would be the same. That would be boring. It is better to be.... your own color... How to say this? You are allowed to be different and you should be. Not like you really HAVE to be different but isn't a lot more fun to stick out of the crowd.
My style has always been and will always be a little bit different from others. I am like mix of every kind of style. That doesn't really sound so good, does it? As you know I am little tomboy. But I am my girlish sides are even with my boy-side. I am not fan of skirts, I am jeans user. But when we are celebrating something my girly side sticks out a lot. It's just that I am too lazy to put my make up on every day and every month. I think the make up loses its "beauty". The saying says the same thing:" A rare flower is more beautiful than regular flower."

This is my small request: Be yourself, please, pretty please. See ya.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


This is what I thought about today. When I got to school at 8.00 am my friend wanted me to look at some writing that she didn't understand. I said it was okay with me. That was the picture she showed, I thought about those words the whole day.

Those words are right and wrong. Because why did you fall in love with another person in a first place when you already love someone?(Let me talk to the end before you drop it) But why can you not love two person at the same time, I ask? But I understand if both of them are like lover-like love, then you have to choose because you will just end up hurting both of them if you don't. That is what we do not want. Don't hurt other people because of your selfishness.

One last advice, do love others. See ya.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Hi! This will be short but good. This was first published in Voices website and read it from there and it just was too hilarious.
People were complaining about their holiday trips to the traveling agency, and these are the funniest of them:

"We went for a on-day trip to a water park, but how could we have known that the swimwear and towels are not included?"

1. "There was too much sand at the beach we had to clean all our stuff off it when we got back to our hotel."

2. "Being topless shouldn't be allowed at the beach. It was really rude for my husband, because he couldn't relax at all."

3. "Nobody told us that there would be fish in the sea. Kids got so scared!"

4. "We went for a vacation in Spain, but traveling by tax was really hard, because all the driver would talk Spanish."

5. "It took us 9 hours to fly from Jamaica back to home. For Americans it took only 3 hours. That is so unfair!"

6. "There were too much foreign people in my destination. The food was also foreign. "

7. "I and my husband booked a room with separated beds, but we got a room where were just one huge double bed. Now I am pregnant and it is your fault-this wouldn't had happened if we had gotten separated beds."

This is what I thought when I saw them for the first time:

1. Well yes. There is really really much sand at the beach. It is not like someone will count every single grain of sand.

2. Oh...That is extremely unfortunate! Good luck with your husband.

3. Um?! What? Where exactly do you think the fish comes from? From the sea!!

4. Isn't it normal for locals to speak the language that is spoken in the area? Please do learn other languages than just your native language it can be useful.

5. Well let's think it this way. You live further than the Americans. You know that most of the Americans live in America. You didn't? Surprise!!

6. If you go abroad, there is small chance that there will be foreign there, you know. It's foreign land.

7. You could have just used protection. Don't blame others because you were an idiot!

I hope you had a good laugh. It wasn't as short as I expected but oh well. See ya.

Friday, January 3, 2014

I think...

Hi! Long time no see. School has been long over and I have been "collecting data" just for you guys so that you guys can read something interesting once in while. Sounds good, right?
Normally people think that women are the ones that have very powerful feeling and emotions but we are wrong. Men have as much feelings and emotions as women have but there is this small thing that we all just don't know. Men don't show them or should I say some of them don't show them. This somehow gives the image of "stone men", men without feelings. That's just wrong. When woman is weak and can't do anything because her heart is broken, that's okay. But when a man is feeling weak or sad or anything like that, that is not okay.

Many centuries ago something changed. Was is because of the World Wars or did something else change? We do not know why this fact changed but we know what changed. This change wasn't deadly so maybe nobody noticed it but now that you think about it, you just happen to notice it.
Why can't men be weak from inside? Why does it have to be the women who are weak? Is it because men need something to compare themselves to? So many questions that nobody never thought about before. Why is that? I think it is because it has been like that for long time, and we all know that what we know is not questioned. But what if..?What if..?What if we think about it as it was other way around? I have hard time imagining it but please you try.
Have we ever thought that when you break up with your boy/girlfriend it might be that it is not just you who is hurt. Sometimes when couple break up both parties are hurt, but why they break up. Mostly because both of them know that it just doesn't work anymore. It can be painful but it can be the right decision for you. Well sometimes it just doesn't work, too bad.
In all movies when the couple breaks up woman is always the one who runs to her friends crying, but what if...man would come running to his friends crying and saying he just broke up with his girlfriend, those friends would mostly think that he is dead drunk or that he is really weird. Or maybe they would pat his shoulder and say that is was good for him and they would take the fact that he is crying as joke or something like that. Isn't that a little bit cruel not to allow men to be sad?

I simply wonder how you do it? Do you run to toilet to "take a piss" but in fact you go there to cry and when someone asks you why your eyes are red you just say it is because you were laughing too hard? That sound ridiculous, but you really do so. I found some of men crying rules, want to hear?(well of course, you have never heard of such thing). Well here we go:
1.When he is alone, the whole house is empty
2.In front of his wife/girl/boyfriend(can't be a racist, that is too mean) when his partner says the famous words  "It is okay to cry."
3. He drinks himself dead drunk then cries about it in a bar (that one is maybe the most used in Finland)
4. Don't cry in front of other people, just don't do it.
Woman falls on her knees in middle of the street and covers her face
a.she is not feeling well
b.she is about to puke
c.she is crying
d.her shoes heel just broke and she fell
Things that people do it in that situation
a.don't look, continue walking
b.run for help
c. stare and think if she is pregnant and about to give birth
d.if someone is already helping her, go to help

But if a man falls on his knees in middle of the street and covers his face
a. he is about to puke
b.he is embarrassed about falling
c. he is NOT going to cry, he is just joking around
Things that people do it in that situation
a.don't look, continue walking
b.go closer if he needs help
c.start laughing
d.stay put and stare(maybe they don't know what to do)
e.take a picture or video(this is common nowadays and freaking annoying)
Why can't we be equal?! Think about it.
I look forward this year. See ya.