Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I can not say anything else but happy new year to you all. See ya next year.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Hi. I'm aware that I'm really slow but I still wanted to do this.

Paul Walker died 30.11.2013 in a car accident while driving a Porsche. I believe that this fast and furious guy died happy. He was driving one of the Worlds fastest cars with his friend. How could he been not happy, right? But something went wrong, we do not know what or why. But I know that this was meant to be. Last words that Walker said were: I will be right back. We will miss those blue eyes and that smile.

Paul Walker also once said "If one day the speed kills me, do not cry because I was smiling."

I hope you rest happily in peace and harmony. Paul Walker

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Hi you guys! Here again?! Yes. As you can see today we, yes I said we, are going to talk about siblings. I have five siblings as you already know but just reminding you about it. This are really simple whether you have siblings or not.

If you have siblings you are going to complain about them. And if you don't have siblings you are going to silently complain "how you are lonely and it would be fun to have siblings". That is a fact, deal with it.

And even thought siblings fight with each other they still make up after couple days of war. I have never fought with my siblings and I really mean never. Now you are thinking "THAT isn't possible". Well it is true but there is a simple reason to that. I and my oldest sibling have a huge age difference if I counted right it should be about 23 years. Long, isn't it? But I have seen others fight with each others and I have learned my lesson without fighting with others.

As for the fact that I'm the youngest I can say that the oldest and I were allies in war. We were cute and young. Now that we are old, we don't fight but we don't see each other so often. We all have our families. Are we happy? Well are you happy with your family? I dearly hope so.

 So dream on and live on. That's what I think. See you. Oh by the way I will once again be busy with the school so there will be less posting but I try my very best to keep you guys happy.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Hi! This will be just small post about you. Your readers. Okay. Up until now Finland has been the number one reader but ....now U.S.A you have won the number one place. Thank you all lovely readers. See ya.
Can't wait.
Oh by the way, London, I am going there, but first we have to wait until summer. I just had to tell you guys. I am talking forever. See ya(again!).

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Hi! This will once again be a question post. Sorry or not if you like these. (How could I know?!)

These are questions about family:
1.What does family mean?
2. Can we choose who is part of our family?
3.Why is it that some families just can't keep it together?
4.What is a perfect family?
5. Is there such thing as perfect family?
6. Is it true that if your family is rich you are happier?
7. What is a normal family?
8. Are there people in this World who do not have a family?
9. Is family good or bad thing to have?
 And last but not least What is a family?
I made this and it took ages! (Not really, anyway.)

These are just things that you might think some day but remember if you think you have nobody....you are WRONG! Please do remember that. See ya.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Hi everyone! I once again apologize for not posting but we all are busy, right? I was at festival last week, for some people this is not interesting because they have festivals like every month but where I live, there aren't so much festival in a year. About 1 or 2 in a year(well that's much!) So I traveled to South Finland to the festival, had fun.

I went with my friend who is a lot more quiet than I am, so I was kind of worried how would it go. In the end she did well  and had her first festival experience. She even told me many times: "This is so fun!!" At those time I couldn't do anything else than laugh.

She is a lot shorter than I am. She is quieter than I am. She has a original ginger hair(I LOVE it!!!). She talks more quietly than I do.(Everybody is always like: "Damn! I can't hear you from the other side of the buss." <-that's an example) She is quite shy around new people but when she gets to know the person she is all out. But she is funny small energy packet and she has a funny laugh.

Had fun imagining her? Suppose so. Here are some pictures of that weekend.
Weekends first concert
Light waves?

My bag was full of this stuff

I got an early Christmas present

I did this posting for three days because of the pictures, pissed me off! See ya.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Hi! This will just be kind of like "have a laugh"-posting. These are things that me and my friends had a big laugh about. Hope you enjoy them too.

I went to stay at my friends place for the weekend and when I got there she decided to make food. In a students way, she said. Well we had a long conversation with the pot as you can see in the picture below.

This is just a picture of our classroom and well we have fun in there every single day.

These are picture of the doorway. In Finland you leave your shoes by the door and if you dare to step into someones house with your shoes on, the owner will literally kill you(just kidding!) But still DON'T do it!

This is what we call students battlefield and the bags are mines. If you step on one of them at least one girl will be yelling at you and the others around you, will glare at you with a deadly eyes.

These are pictures of my timetables. My friend half accidentally broke my original one and then she was afraid that I would be mad at her, so she made me a new one by hand. In both of these pictures the upper paper is the original. If you ask me, she did fine job. In the end I wasn't angry at all because I had also made one myself. She was frustrated, and we had laugh about many times that day.

I don't know if you found these stories funny or interesting . But these are small parts of my days. See ya.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Busy people

Hi! What does it mean when you say you are in a hurry? Is it somehow different from being busy? Why are we always in a hurry? Why can't we take our time?

I think most of the people who live in the cities are mostly the busiest people. Do we move to the city to have busy lives? Maybe we want to be busy, being busy tells us that we are part of something or that we are important to someone/ something. That's what we like, we want to be aware of our importance.

Don't we want to stop for a while and breathe. Have a laugh. Have a love. Have a cry. Have a real life. To live. That's what we want but what is it to live?

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Hi you all! Now we can say that long time no see. Yes yes I know that I haven't posted anything for like two weeks. Yeah I am sorry but I have really really good reason for that. You want to hear it?(That's mostly stupid question when you are already reading this but anyway)

I was once again in Turkey. Hurray from now on you will hear a lot of traveling stories.(Sounds fun?)
In our hotel we were supposed to have a network but when we got there we heard that network wasn't working for some random reason. And we heard from the others that it didn't work when they arrived, so damn.
Without network my tablet was basically useless. So I wasn't able to write at all. Kind of pissed me off because now I will have to try and remember all the things that happened. And in my head, live posting sounded really cool. But no is a no.
I can do it now when I am back in Finland.
There I was

That's all I can explain and you will hear all about it next two weeks, oh my, you really think I am so sure, hell no. As if I would know what I am going to talk next time. See ya.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Hi! We all know that we all are just once young, right? So why do we have to be so stupid at the time when we are young? Anyway that wasn't today's point.
This is what my mornings look like
I don't know how this matter is in other countries but in Finland it is like this:
We young study hard to get a good job and of course our studying costs something like our time and school books(those are just poor examples, sorry) So when we are done with the school, we get certificate. But in fact(I would like to remind that this is only my opinion) we graduate from school as unemployed and it will take long time before we get job. And in Finland they are going to make it so that people have to work longer before they can retire. It is already like at age of 63 but they are going to make is like looooonger. Screw them. Like when can we young ones get a job, huh?!

I hope from my heart that people who decide about these things would think about the other end of life. Young ones. I hope some countries are different from Finland. Have a nice day at work if you have one. See ya.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Tall or short

Hi! Today I am going to ask you about different appearances. There are some questions that I am gonna try to answer in a general opinion. This will be quite short because I'm kind of in a hurry so, sorry.

Question number 1:
How tall should the other one be when you are dating?
Most people prefer for the man to be the taller one.

Question number 2:
What are ideal personalities when dating?
Many like person to be different from themselves.(who would like to date someone who is just like them?)

Question number 3:
Does it matter what kind of family they come from?
No. It is thanks to them that they are like this.
Keys open thing, do you own your hearts key?
That's it. What is the first thing we question about a person we meet the first time? Is is heart? Or is it the looks? Who knows. See ya.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Let's play!

Hello to you all lovely people who are lovely enough to read my blog. <- That's what I call annoying. Yes forgive me but I am not that^ kind of person. The way I say "Hi." is simply saying "Hi you all!" some people don't like it. Sorry. But that's my way doing stuff. That's it for the 'hi'-thingy. Today we have something else to talk and think about, isn't that right?
We all know that I am tomboy(well some don't because you haven't read my blog before but that's true). So I do all the kind of boy-like things. But I do have the girly side too, but today we are not talking about that either(yes, i am getting sidetrack). Let's say this is boy-side of me.
Jackdaw at Caribbean Sea
Edward Kenway
I have PS3(to you who don't know what it is, please use Google!) and of course I have games for it. My favorites are Assassin's creed III and Final Fantasy XIII-2. But from those two AC-III is the number one! So all those who don't know nothing about AC-III, let me tell you, I am too lazy to explain things so please go to Wikipedia and search or you can simply go and click this link:  Assassin's Creed III
and those who know can scream:"That's not it" or they can just quietly nod their heads at home. Soon enough there will be new game joining to the Assassin's creed series and I can't stand still. The fact that Ubisoft made the Assassin's creed III so amazing that it was hard to stop playing(at least for me, I don't know about you guys). And now they are going to do something even better. All the trailers have been amazing and the demo was wicked. All the player who are waiting for the game are unable to just stay still.
We will all wait for the Black Flag to rise.

There is one question about this all: "Why to be so excited about some game?" The one who knows the answer might remain silent. See ya.

Saturday, September 14, 2013


What are we all always waiting for? Miracle? Luck? Love? For our really "exciting" lives? Do we just wait for things to be better. Some of us just kneel in front of mirror and beg for better life. Others try to do something about it.

If we are not happy with something, we either blame someone for it or fall into depression. Why can't we stand up? Why can't we stay strong and be happy with what we already have? In this huge world there is always someone who has less than you have. The question is am I the bottom of us all? Are we all just scared of that small question? And what about those who are on top? Why do you need more money or more fame if you are already on top?! Why? And if you are rich why can't you share that huge pile of money, even little bit could save many. Are we so greedy?

As for me I was a child with a silver spoon. And as all world crashed so did my world. I was quite young at the time and I had to grow up, and fast. How can child be adult in a no time? I got huge shock from what I suddenly started reading from the magazines. All magazines were full of how the World suffered of recession that knew nothing about. It was time when I really had to learn things to keep my two small feet on the ground. At the time I also made big barrier around myself, I didn't trust anyone, I didn't believe in anyone, I didn't  value anything. I was like hard stone that was being thrown around by other people. I grew cold.
Looks like winter in Finland.
But when people started to fall around me I got stronger. I believed that I could do some
thing. At the time when people were falling it was me who was trying to keep them standing, I earned the name:"Mami". People told me about their problems and worries, all I could do was just listen. But that somehow helped everyone. I felt needed. Maybe that's what we want, even just once in the while, makes us believe in things.

This is how I became me, and this is me. Luckily nowadays people are stronger, and I am once again useless. But I hope you are stronger after reading this because I believe that when you get to know the fact that other people have also problems. Your problems seem smaller. So please, share your problems. See ya.

Monday, September 2, 2013


I wake in the morning tired of sleeping.
Get in the shower and make my bed alone
I put on mu makeup talking to the mirror.
Ready for a new day without you.

And I walk steady on my feet, I talk, my voice obeys me.
I go out at night, sleep without the lights.
And I do all of the things I have to keeping you off my mind.
But when I think I'll be alright I am always wrong 'cause

My hands, don't wanna start again.
My hands, no, they don't wanna understand.
My hands, they just shake and try to break whatever peace I may find.
My hands, they only agree to hold.
Your hands, and they don't wanna be without.
Your hands, and they will not let me go,no, they will not let me go.

I talk about you now and go a day without crying.
I go out with my friends now, I stay home all alone.
And I don't see you everywhere and I can say your name easily.
I laugh a bit louder without you.

And I see different shades now and I'm almost never afraid now.
But when I think I'll be okay I am always wrong 'cause.

My hands, don't wanna start again.
My hands, no, they don't wanna understand.
My hands, they just shake and try to break whatever peace I may find.
My hands, they only agree to hold.
Your hands, and they don't wanna be without.
Your hands, and they will not let me go,no, they will not let me go.

Sometimes I wake, I see them reaching out for you.
Quietly breaking whatever shields I spent so long building up.
I cannot fake 'cause when they cry I'm unspoken.
They miss holding my baby.

This the lyrics of the Leona Lewis-My hands song. And I wrote this because this's for the people who have lost their loved ones. We all are one of them when we get old. Because in this World there isn't anyone who hasn't lost their loved one, so we can always say: We are not alone. See ya.

Friday, August 23, 2013


Hi. Let's say that I am really disappointed. Why do we think about what other will think if we do this or that? Why can we just do as we please? Well of course, we have to follow the laws and rules, but why do we have to let someone decide what's good for us. Why are we so afraid of the public eye that judges us all the time?
Nobody knows the answers to those questions but I think it's stupid. Why couldn't you be yourself? While walking in the streets and someone looks at us we immediately think; "Is my hair okay? Is there something on my shirt? Is my style stupid? Why are they looking at me?". Why can't we just think; "Oh, they are looking, let them look." or "Am I really THAT good-looking?". Have some self-confidence! Be more sure that you DO look good today. And so what if some kid spilled his juice on shirt, it doesn't matter. You are good as you are. Why can't you be happy like that? Why should we look like dolls? Dolls aren't alive, they can't do the thing you CAN do. And so what if you screwed up at work or at school. That's past, look ahead.

Of course, there're things that you can't do. Like I am not able to sing. At music class, I still can always enjoy my time. I can play piano or guitar or something else. Even thought I can't sing, I enjoy the fact that others can sing and that they are singing while I play. Why can't I enjoy that? Why should I sulk while others are singing?
I know that in this World there are so many people that can't sing, just like me. But I believe that all of us can still enjoy music.

We are humans. If we can't do something, we do something else instead. The only question that you have to ask yourself is: "Why couldn't I?"

While writing this I was listening Emeli Sandé- Read all about it and because of the piano playing I tapped in rhythm as if I was the one playing the piano. I call that "piano writing" because I do it quite often. See ya.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

It's time!

Hi guys! My humblest apologies to you. I beg for your forgiveness. I really hope that you will forgive me the fact that I haven't wrote anything since July. Shame on me. Anyways, now is the time for me to tell you many things and also ask you about things. And if I ask something, I really hope that you would give me an answer. Thank you.

This is for you, men! READ!!!! This is just for you, of course women can read between the lines but whatever. Do you men think what you wear? Like seriously!!! Because I, for first time in my life, saw a man who was nicely dressed and that was surprisingly in Paris. (You may think Paris is like, overrated, but it did happen there) Yes, I haven't told about this earlier because I didn't think it was thing worth telling, but it seems that it is worth it.

So let's assume that you do think about what you wear. How much time does it take to decide? And again we all know that it takes ages for women to decide, but what about men? Why haven't we thought about that fact earlier? Okay okay, let's put up the facts that we know about dressing;
1.Women take time to decide "What dress I will put on? What dress is fine in these parties?"
2. Of course men have to have the same problem. Why won't we notice it? Because men don't talk about it! Men can run on circles in their room while trying to decide what shirt will they put on.
3. Most women know what looks good on them(I said most, I know one who really doesn't and she is good friend of mine, but she asks "Does this look good?" etc.)
4.Men don't talk about clothes! So how could we know?!

What about your hair and face? Okay hair is one of the first things that tells to women that "That man takes care of himself. Lovely!". And what about mans face, well it tell the same story as your hair. It is simple as that. So PLEASE men, take care of yourself. Be proud of yourself. Be a man. And if in the past some ex-girlfriend said while dumping you that you are ugly and horrible looking. Let her run to that so freaking good looking guy that she is so in love with! You deserve better than that! :)

Where did this sudden asking come from? I got lost in Youtube or so. And I suddenly saw a guy who had made a tutorial of how to put your hair in one way or in another. And I thought: "WHAAAAAAT?!". I am not used to that at all! Because in Finland here most guys don't just care how their hair is. For example now that our school year has started again, you could see guys with bed-hair and they don't care. And here in school it is "funny" to destroy someones hair.

That's all for this time. I promise to post soon. Maybe day after tomorrow or maybe not.
See ya.

Saturday, July 13, 2013


Hi! Long time no seen. I was on a trip so I couldn't write but now that I have came home. I will tell about the trip next time but now I will tell you something that I discovered during my trip.

We all want to be children once in the while. There is no need to be shamed of it. You want to jump around, laugh from the bottom of your heart and do many silly things. You can even feel relieved when you have change to do so. Once in the while it is good to not feel shame of the things you want to do. But, big BUT
it can be also annoying to other, that's why I warn you. When you are pissed off or just tired because of the long and hard day, it really is annoying if the another one of you is all about being child on that certain day. That if something is dangerous. So select your child-like day carefully and observe before hand. Have fun.

I had my childish day and well I had fun and my stress is all gone. Childish me!(Aren't you always?) Like I said next time I'm gonna tell you about my trip. See ya.

Sunday, June 30, 2013


Hi guys! This is just something that has been in my mind for a while and I don't know if you have ever even thought of it but well, let me just tell it to you.
This one day I and my good friend Eru were at the Powerpark and there were several couples. Like really, there were freaking many of them. And I just happened to think of this small thing that; Where do they meet their partners? Yes, I have dated people and met them by coincidentally. But still I couldn't help but wonder.
There were couples who were completely opposites, like other was super long and other was short. Also there were couples who were equal with each others. Not that i would matter what your partner looks like. But is it true that you partner fills your empty spots?

Oh, one more question, does it matter where your partner lives? That was short indeed.(Changes can't hurt)
See ya.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Back home

Hi guys, long time no see. Yes, yes and yes. I haven't posted anything in a long time but once again I have really good excuse. And I know and hope you all want to hear it(or actually read it but whatever) Let's start from the "smaller things".
Okay, the smallest thing that has happened in these few weeks is that my school year has ended, as you know. And there were many stressful thing that I had to take care of. You want to know even one of them? Well that's okay. Hmm...for example I and all my friends have been worrying about if we are accepted  to a new school. Of course that's stressful and you feel nervous all the time and etc..
Then there is also my work as 'isonen'. I have already explained it to you so, yeah I won't explain again. So I was last 8-9 days working away from home and yes, I didn't have my computer with me. Because I didn't actually have a computer, my old, lovely and slow computer didn't want to work anymore, or that's what we say in Finland. So now that I have my brad new computer, I can once again post.
So I was 'isonen' and my camp was in the Lapland and it was freaking awesome. Except the weather, it was the worst ever, but it didn't bother me much. We went backpacking three time and guess what, every time it was raining and it was cold, the middle temperature was around +7 Celsius or so.But we still had fun and we saw reindeer as well. They were cute and shy. With "shy" I mean that they wouldn't come close to us. The best thing about the camp was the FOOD, it was heavenly. Wow. I just snatched a bottle that was about to fall off the table, reflexes, nice.(you are going sidetracks) What I was about to say? Oh yeah. As you all know or I hope you know, anyway. I don't live in Lapland, I live in western Finland. So how did I get to Lapland, well we went there by bus. and from my home to Lapland it's about 730 km and it took about 9 hour to arrive. And it might sound long time but when you have good company and things that you can do then your time will flow.
That's it. I am back home and full of ideas for post. You just wait.See ya.