I went to stay at my friends place for the weekend and when I got there she decided to make food. In a students way, she said. Well we had a long conversation with the pot as you can see in the picture below.
This is just a picture of our classroom and well we have fun in there every single day.
These are picture of the doorway. In Finland you leave your shoes by the door and if you dare to step into someones house with your shoes on, the owner will literally kill you(just kidding!) But still DON'T do it!
This is what we call students battlefield and the bags are mines. If you step on one of them at least one girl will be yelling at you and the others around you, will glare at you with a deadly eyes.
These are pictures of my timetables. My friend half accidentally broke my original one and then she was afraid that I would be mad at her, so she made me a new one by hand. In both of these pictures the upper paper is the original. If you ask me, she did fine job. In the end I wasn't angry at all because I had also made one myself. She was frustrated, and we had laugh about many times that day.
I don't know if you found these stories funny or interesting . But these are small parts of my days. See ya.
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