Sunday, April 22, 2012


I have been thinking that so what if somebody is diffirent. So what if they speak diffirently or look diffirent or they are from other country. Aren't we still the same, human beings. We may look and sound diffirent but we all have the same instinct, the will to try to survive.
Some people don't have that, they want to die early. Like my big brother who died when I was just 3 months old. Well he didn't die normally he killed himself. Nobody will never know why he did so. I have many times blamed myself but that doesn't help anybody. Actually my grandpa died just a month ago and I was guite sad. But I didn't take it so heavily because I thought he wouldn't be happy if I cried many months so I just let him go. I believe that everybody has angel in the sky who is shinning like a star. Even the bad guys have one.
Wish something.

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