Sunday, November 24, 2013


Hi everyone! I once again apologize for not posting but we all are busy, right? I was at festival last week, for some people this is not interesting because they have festivals like every month but where I live, there aren't so much festival in a year. About 1 or 2 in a year(well that's much!) So I traveled to South Finland to the festival, had fun.

I went with my friend who is a lot more quiet than I am, so I was kind of worried how would it go. In the end she did well  and had her first festival experience. She even told me many times: "This is so fun!!" At those time I couldn't do anything else than laugh.

She is a lot shorter than I am. She is quieter than I am. She has a original ginger hair(I LOVE it!!!). She talks more quietly than I do.(Everybody is always like: "Damn! I can't hear you from the other side of the buss." <-that's an example) She is quite shy around new people but when she gets to know the person she is all out. But she is funny small energy packet and she has a funny laugh.

Had fun imagining her? Suppose so. Here are some pictures of that weekend.
Weekends first concert
Light waves?

My bag was full of this stuff

I got an early Christmas present

I did this posting for three days because of the pictures, pissed me off! See ya.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Hi! This will just be kind of like "have a laugh"-posting. These are things that me and my friends had a big laugh about. Hope you enjoy them too.

I went to stay at my friends place for the weekend and when I got there she decided to make food. In a students way, she said. Well we had a long conversation with the pot as you can see in the picture below.

This is just a picture of our classroom and well we have fun in there every single day.

These are picture of the doorway. In Finland you leave your shoes by the door and if you dare to step into someones house with your shoes on, the owner will literally kill you(just kidding!) But still DON'T do it!

This is what we call students battlefield and the bags are mines. If you step on one of them at least one girl will be yelling at you and the others around you, will glare at you with a deadly eyes.

These are pictures of my timetables. My friend half accidentally broke my original one and then she was afraid that I would be mad at her, so she made me a new one by hand. In both of these pictures the upper paper is the original. If you ask me, she did fine job. In the end I wasn't angry at all because I had also made one myself. She was frustrated, and we had laugh about many times that day.

I don't know if you found these stories funny or interesting . But these are small parts of my days. See ya.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Busy people

Hi! What does it mean when you say you are in a hurry? Is it somehow different from being busy? Why are we always in a hurry? Why can't we take our time?

I think most of the people who live in the cities are mostly the busiest people. Do we move to the city to have busy lives? Maybe we want to be busy, being busy tells us that we are part of something or that we are important to someone/ something. That's what we like, we want to be aware of our importance.

Don't we want to stop for a while and breathe. Have a laugh. Have a love. Have a cry. Have a real life. To live. That's what we want but what is it to live?