Friday, May 10, 2013

Number 2.....not 3

Hi and forgive me. I have been busy with kids and with many kinds of things and so on(let's not tell details). Now you are thinking:"Did she forget us?!" No, I did not. (a little?) No, or maybe a little because of my school(excuse.) Anyways I will tell you all about what has happened during this year, for the very beginning until to day. Let's hope that I can make long story shorter.
So I have already told about you me burning my hands on new year.

 In January, I lived normal life while having snow and school. Ooh by the way I don't know if I have told you but I have played volleyball for six years and in November I quit. I had no practically any reason to quit I just felt like it. (Nasu you're out of the subject)
In February, I was all ready too excited about spring at I got a cold and I was really lucky because I got it just before the long weekend(I have no idea why we had a long weekend) I was ill just the long weekend and when the school started again I was healthy as human can be.(unlucky in fact)
In March, I was having my b-day(year older again) and I was really waiting for the snow to melt but instead we got snow more and more. All of us were really surprised, nobody wasn't expecting more snow or anything. We kind of lost the hope there, we thought that we would get a year with no spring or summer.

In  April, I had freaking fun All Fools' Day(aprillipäivä), nobody didn't do a trick on me. Because I didn't see anybody on that day, I was home. And I also had meeting with the confirmation group and they were awesome, we are gonna have so much fun.
In May, I'm officially isonen(i didn't find a English word for that) To be on the safe side I will explain the word "isonen". "Isonen" is a older than 15 years and well they had already their confirmation. "Isonen" is supposed to support and help the younger ones with the thoughts of religion. I don't know if you understood me but let's move on. So I was kind of blessed to be "isonen" and now I have only one year to go at the training then I can say "I am through". I am not some super religious, I get experience from this, so yeah I wanna be smarter in life. Also in May, we do NOT have snow anymore. Isn't that great?! But still we don't have warm weather here. Only thing that feels like summer is that there is no snow and the Sun is trying to shine. In May, there has been so much things happening even thought it's just the begin of May but still. Just couple days behind it was my mothers b-day and I did a little surprise for her. In the morning I go to school before she wakes up so I wrote about 20 small tags saying:"Happy b-day, Mum!" and I put them on things that she would definitely use or see. And now soon is Mothers Day, let's wait for it.
Too early but still.
I made it seem small but in the reality the story was way much longer than that. But well like I said long story short. See ya

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