Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Hi! It's been really long time since I wrote to you, I have been busy. Like I have told you before I have two nephew and I gonna tell you more about them because they are here quite a lot. So Joni is the older one and Sami is the younger one. Joni is an 8-years-old boy who is in school for his second year. Oh yeah, you maybe think what impossible but in Finland when you are 7 you start going to school. Anyway, Sami is a 6-years-old boy and is the youngest. Joni and Sami fight a lot and when I say a lot I really really really mean a lot. They are like:" If had a reason I would attack him!" it's really annoying to be all the time solving their fight and time to time we just let them fight. Yes, I know that it's not right thing to do but how can you teach to blockheads not fight. Their mother and my brother are out of options and so is our mother(I mean mine and my brothers mother). Nobody doesn't really know what to do with them. But one thing is certain if they are not together they are like angels but once they see each other they do anything to tease the another one.

They are like every other small kid "they are demons awake, they are angels asleep" and it IS really true.
Enough about kids. Did you that many Finnish kids are trying to not eat candies for whole year? Well now you know. We Finnish kids are trying to please our parent by not eating candies. It doesn't work, does it? We still try. I'm one of the kid and I have hung one of my favorite candies on my work lamp. It helps I suppose.
Almost forgot I had to chance the names. Sorry.
That's all, let's not eat too much candies. Ps. Just now they broke a mirror together. Nice one boys. See ya.

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