Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I haven't been writing in quite long time because our family has been having some problems. Well we can't blame anything else than our own  house. Yeah you read right our house. We have been remodeling our house about 11 year now. And finally we can see the light in the end of tunnel. Yay!!
Last thing our have to do is remodel the living room. You are thinking it's not that big thing well just for your information when we are talking about my family everything is big. So I have really hard time when I try to sleep because the living room is just next to my room. Yeah good night and don't sleep tight. Last night I barely slept 7 hours and that is all because just one big and noisy clock. I hate so much that clock. My rooms walls are so thin and you can clearly hear the clock when it rings in every half hour. God bless that damn clock. I trully wish I could throw it away. Oh it's ringing again.
 What else? Hmm...Oh yeah.I will talk to you about kids. People always say that:''Aw he is so cute. He is so small.'' and when the kid falls:'' Oh my God. Are you ok? Did it hurt?'' Well in my case. Me who has watched after so many kids is like:''Huh. How many hours is left?'' I'm many times the victim and the guilty one is the kid. I have thousands wound because the kids. My lovely things were broken because of them. Yeah I don't praticularly like kid but I don't hate them either. The worts case was when I had four kids and I was on my own. But still here I go again I'm talking about them. Well I'm Nasu nanny. :)
I hope this will never happen.
 That's it. See you next time:)

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