Saturday, January 2, 2016

Ugly things

Have you ever thought of the things that you think are ugly? It's not always ugly from outside but from the inside. For me ugly things are, for example, fighting lovers or affair in marriage. They are ugly from inside. They hurt. A lot. Maybe some of it is necessary but it still is ugly. To me there is nothing more ugly than pain. Physical pain and hurting is nothing next to mental pain and hurting.

It tears you apart from the world. So don't be mean to people. You don't know what they are going through. Don't wish bad for anyone no matter what they did. It might happen and sadly you might blame yourself which hurts. A lot. Like many other things. Maybe they hurt you badly but I think you shouldn't hurt them. Pain is a hateful place. Don't go there. Don't push anyone there. Just take it with you when you go down.

I am sure you were once hurt. Maybe not just once or twice but I hope you let it go. It might not be my fault. Nor his. Nor her. Nor anyone's. But it might be easier to push the blame on someone. But don't do it.

When I am hurt. Even a little. I go the near forest. To my pain tree. He knows all my pain. I just sit down below it and think. In my mind I tell him all my worries and the horrible things that have happened. He listens. He is a good listener. Find you listener. Mum? Dad? Dog? A pillow? Something, someone, anything. Tell it to them. It will ease up. If you want to play it tough 'till the end, it will just hurt like hell and at some point you will be carrying way too heavy load. Grab the extended hand, grab the helping hand. Destroy the load. Make it easier to wake up next morning.