Saturday, October 26, 2013


Hi you all! Now we can say that long time no see. Yes yes I know that I haven't posted anything for like two weeks. Yeah I am sorry but I have really really good reason for that. You want to hear it?(That's mostly stupid question when you are already reading this but anyway)

I was once again in Turkey. Hurray from now on you will hear a lot of traveling stories.(Sounds fun?)
In our hotel we were supposed to have a network but when we got there we heard that network wasn't working for some random reason. And we heard from the others that it didn't work when they arrived, so damn.
Without network my tablet was basically useless. So I wasn't able to write at all. Kind of pissed me off because now I will have to try and remember all the things that happened. And in my head, live posting sounded really cool. But no is a no.
I can do it now when I am back in Finland.
There I was

That's all I can explain and you will hear all about it next two weeks, oh my, you really think I am so sure, hell no. As if I would know what I am going to talk next time. See ya.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Hi! We all know that we all are just once young, right? So why do we have to be so stupid at the time when we are young? Anyway that wasn't today's point.
This is what my mornings look like
I don't know how this matter is in other countries but in Finland it is like this:
We young study hard to get a good job and of course our studying costs something like our time and school books(those are just poor examples, sorry) So when we are done with the school, we get certificate. But in fact(I would like to remind that this is only my opinion) we graduate from school as unemployed and it will take long time before we get job. And in Finland they are going to make it so that people have to work longer before they can retire. It is already like at age of 63 but they are going to make is like looooonger. Screw them. Like when can we young ones get a job, huh?!

I hope from my heart that people who decide about these things would think about the other end of life. Young ones. I hope some countries are different from Finland. Have a nice day at work if you have one. See ya.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Tall or short

Hi! Today I am going to ask you about different appearances. There are some questions that I am gonna try to answer in a general opinion. This will be quite short because I'm kind of in a hurry so, sorry.

Question number 1:
How tall should the other one be when you are dating?
Most people prefer for the man to be the taller one.

Question number 2:
What are ideal personalities when dating?
Many like person to be different from themselves.(who would like to date someone who is just like them?)

Question number 3:
Does it matter what kind of family they come from?
No. It is thanks to them that they are like this.
Keys open thing, do you own your hearts key?
That's it. What is the first thing we question about a person we meet the first time? Is is heart? Or is it the looks? Who knows. See ya.