Sunday, June 30, 2013


Hi guys! This is just something that has been in my mind for a while and I don't know if you have ever even thought of it but well, let me just tell it to you.
This one day I and my good friend Eru were at the Powerpark and there were several couples. Like really, there were freaking many of them. And I just happened to think of this small thing that; Where do they meet their partners? Yes, I have dated people and met them by coincidentally. But still I couldn't help but wonder.
There were couples who were completely opposites, like other was super long and other was short. Also there were couples who were equal with each others. Not that i would matter what your partner looks like. But is it true that you partner fills your empty spots?

Oh, one more question, does it matter where your partner lives? That was short indeed.(Changes can't hurt)
See ya.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Back home

Hi guys, long time no see. Yes, yes and yes. I haven't posted anything in a long time but once again I have really good excuse. And I know and hope you all want to hear it(or actually read it but whatever) Let's start from the "smaller things".
Okay, the smallest thing that has happened in these few weeks is that my school year has ended, as you know. And there were many stressful thing that I had to take care of. You want to know even one of them? Well that's okay. Hmm...for example I and all my friends have been worrying about if we are accepted  to a new school. Of course that's stressful and you feel nervous all the time and etc..
Then there is also my work as 'isonen'. I have already explained it to you so, yeah I won't explain again. So I was last 8-9 days working away from home and yes, I didn't have my computer with me. Because I didn't actually have a computer, my old, lovely and slow computer didn't want to work anymore, or that's what we say in Finland. So now that I have my brad new computer, I can once again post.
So I was 'isonen' and my camp was in the Lapland and it was freaking awesome. Except the weather, it was the worst ever, but it didn't bother me much. We went backpacking three time and guess what, every time it was raining and it was cold, the middle temperature was around +7 Celsius or so.But we still had fun and we saw reindeer as well. They were cute and shy. With "shy" I mean that they wouldn't come close to us. The best thing about the camp was the FOOD, it was heavenly. Wow. I just snatched a bottle that was about to fall off the table, reflexes, nice.(you are going sidetracks) What I was about to say? Oh yeah. As you all know or I hope you know, anyway. I don't live in Lapland, I live in western Finland. So how did I get to Lapland, well we went there by bus. and from my home to Lapland it's about 730 km and it took about 9 hour to arrive. And it might sound long time but when you have good company and things that you can do then your time will flow.
That's it. I am back home and full of ideas for post. You just wait.See ya.