Hi guys!! It's been really long time and I missed you so much that I had to write something. It's too early it's not yet time for posting but still I want to tell you something good.
This will be fast repeat about the early summer. First of all I was in confirmation class. It was so fun that I and my friends forgot the meaning of being there. Well we got confirmed last weekend. For that we had party with my family and with our big or should I say huge kindred. Lots of people came and eat and left but even it sounds like it was something that took just two or three hours. You are completely wrong about that. It took really long, if I'm certain it took about 9 hours, well I think that's a lot.
About the weather, it was heavenly. The early summers weather has been so good that....I can't say anything but WOW. The sun is shining, no clouds, no rain only when it's needed.
So for me this has been really really good summer.
As for you I have one question and then you have to think about it and when I write again I will tell you my thoughts about it. So here we go: What is love?
I love you because you read my blog but I would love you even more if you would comment on this one. I want to know you way of thinking about it. See ya.